Probability & Statistics

Quantitative Reasoning Using Statistical Tools

About Probability & Statistics

How do you know if a vaccine works? If everyone does not answer their census questionnaire, how can you count the number of people currently living in any area of the United States? How do you know if the medical procedure will benefit you? What about the weather? Should you buy the extended warranty? How do you begin to answer these and many many more questions? The answer is the subject of probability and statistics.

Every field has questions whose answers are found using statistical analysis tools. Every field uses statistics … and everyone needs to understand the concepts within probability and statistics to be successful in their daily personal lives.

HGS Probability and Statistics introduces students to the logic, visualization, descriptive methods, and inference using "pencil and paper" as well as computational tools one can use to begin to answer life's questions. Only Algebra II mathematics is required as a prerequisite for this non-calculus based class.

Join us fall 2024. Learn tools you can use in your college, professional, and personal life.

Tuition free.


Probability and Statistics (P&S) is taught by Dr. Bruce Norton. The academic year block schedule class meets daily beginning at 10:00 am. with MTH 154 material covered in the fall semester and MTH 245 material covered in the spring semester.

P&S (MTH 154/245) is a non-calculus based course intended to introduce students with no prior knowledge of the subject to the academic discipline of quantative reasoning through the use of the statistical tools of data analysis, visualization, regression, and inference.

In order to take MTH 154/245 a student should have successfully completed Algebra II at the high school level. Familiarity with the use of a scientific level or higher (e.g., graphing) calculator to preform repetative basic math operations is also required. However, calculator pre-programmed operations will not be used in the course.

Students should also have access to the interent outside of daily class time and a device (Windows, MAC OS, or Linux) capable of running software used in the course.

"Probability and Statistics incorporates both introductory non-calculus based statistics and quantitative reasoning. Thus, Probability and Statistics covers descriptive statistics, data visualization, experiment design, probability, probability distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation, and both nonlinear and linear regression. Statistical tools are used in problem solving and reasoning as well as model development and analysis. Large, real world data sets are examined using statistical software. Supporting topics, such as set theory and logic, are also covered with an introductory perspective."
Course Description