Honors Physics


Students build on basic physical science principles by exploring in-depth the nature and characteristics of energy and its dynamic interaction with matter. Key areas of study include force and motion, energy transformations, wave phenomena and the electromagnetic spectrum, electricity, fields, and non-Newtonian physics. Physics is applied in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The effects of physics on our world are investigated through the study of critical, contemporary global topics.

Honors Physics is algebra based: no knowledge of calculus is required. It is traditional high school physics offered as a one semester asynchronous course.


Algebra II

Semesters Offered & Schedule Format

Fall Semester
Block Schedule
Honors Physics

Spring Semester
Block Schedule
Honors Physics

Class/Instruction Format

Asynchronous (i.e., "on demand")

VCCS Designation and College Credit

Course Codes


Ms. Amanda Slaughter
e-mail: aslaughter@hgs.k12.va.us

Course Web Sites Links

Honors Physics Home Page

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